To the populace of Ynys Fawr do Anna and Adelindis send warm Spring greetings.
August was a quiet month, with the highlight being the Three Winter Dances ball, held in conjunction with the winter quarterly tourneys on August 24. In the tournaments, Master David de Derlington was the recipient of the Bronze Falchion for his chivalry upon the field in armoured combat, and Lord Perran of Lyskyret received the Silver Lymphad for his courtesy on the rapier field. Sir Wulfgar Jarnsiða won the token for prowess in armoured combat, and Lord Flóki Snorrason in the rapier tournament. Our congratulations to all these gentles for their achievements.
The day continued with a very enjoyable potluck feast and ball in the evening, where a number of the populace joined local members of the Guild of the Silver Rondel on the floor to showcase their skills in a range of dances. We congratulate the Honourable Lord Declan of Drogheda and Disa of Lightwood on their success in being asked to join the Guild. Thanks go to Baroness Jehanne de Finistère and her fellow Guildmembers for coming together to provide this opportunity and providing such inspiration for our dancers, and to all those who participated and made the ball such an enjoyable evening. We also thank Master David for taking over as steward, and particularly to Baroness Drusticc inigena Eddarrnonn for stepping up to organise the kitchen, her first time in this role.
In news of officers, our thanks go to Master Hrolf Herjolfssen for his time as Dromond Herald, and to his successor, Lord Perran, for taking up the office at Three Winter Dances. Baroness Adelindis has been put forward for a two week commentary period as proposed successor for Lady Alessandra di Fiore di Piero della Mora in the office of Arts and Sciences Minister. The offices of Reeve and Seneschal are currently advertising for deputies/successors. Baroness Drusticc’s warrant as Reeve expires in February and she is hoping to find a successor soon so that she can train them in the position before handover. The office of Seneschal is not due to pass until June next year but a Deputy would be welcomed by Master David.
The Canton has again been active in the local community in this past month, with a team of seven attending the music trivia night put on by the Castle Forbes Bay Recreation Club on August 31, where their appearance in garb created considerable interest amongst the other attendees. Our thanks go to Lady Mariot de Bonnay for her work in organising the team, and to all those who attended and put their memories (and vocal skills) to the test. The Canton is holding archery practise and a potluck lunch at Castle Forbes Bay Recreation Ground, Meredith St, Castle Forbes Bay from 11-4 on September 21, all are welcome to attend.
Looking ahead, the elevation of Sir Guillaume d’Oze to the Order of the Pelican has been confirmed for 14 December. The Tournament of the Rising Razorback will feature a day of games and martial combat at Fitzroy Gardens, followed by a revel at Kraken Hall in the evening. We hope to see a great many of our populace attending to help Sir Oze celebrate his well-deserved elevation.
This is our last opportunity to remind our populace that the Barony of Innilgard is calling for teachers for the 11th Great Southern Gathering, to be held 4-7 October in their fair lands. If you are interested please talk to Sir Mari Alexander on While it is unfortunately not in our power to do so ourselves this year, we encourage our populace – particularly our rapier fighters – to brave the krakens and travel to this event.
Yours in service to the Crown and the populace of Ynys Fawr,
Anna and Adelindis