Here you find a list of merchants offering a variety of medieval wares for sale, some may even offer discounts to our members.
Black Squirrel Feastware by Marjorie Lenehan (Madelaine de Bourgogne)
A range of hand-made functional pottery for SCA use. Shapes and forms are inspired by Medieval and some Ancient, pottery from the Known World (both East and West). The principle material is stoneware clay, and glazes are food and dishwasher safe. I do not pretend to make historically accurate wares as they are comprised of poisonous lead based glazes and clay mixed with other materials (such as dung) which may or may not be food safe. I do try to emulate historical shapes and the look of Medieval decoration that was employed over the period. Find Black Squirrel Feastware on Facebook, or on their website here.
Vaughn Morphett Metalcraft by Vaughn Morphett (Drustin of Skye)
Vaughn is a practicing blacksmith & jeweller from Tasmania. He makes many styles of art but his focus is Norse and Celtic. Find Vaughn Morphett Metalcraft on Facebook.
Medieval Fight Club
Medieval Fight Club stocks Australia’s largest range of ‘”re-enactment ready” and collectible items. Whether you want weapons or armour for battle or tents, cauldrons and other living history accessories visit their website.
Listing of businesses on this page does not imply endorsement by the Barony of Ynys Fawr. The Barony is not responsible for orders placed with any business on this page. If you have a problem with a merchant shown here, please contact that merchant directly. If you wish to be included, please contact the Web Minister.