This is your Baronial Web Minister and Chronicler here. My mundane life has suddenly become overwhelming so I need to step back from my duties, preferably within the next month. Therefore I am seeking someone to either become my interim deputy, or possibly to take over the role entirely. I can give the applicant training, and have written a manual with detailed instructions for those who don’t have a strong web background.
Web Minister’s Duties
⦁ Keeps the list of Baronial officers up to date.
⦁ Fields queries from the public that come through the website
⦁ Is admin/moderator for each of the Barony’s Facebook groups. This involves approving members, making sure nobody posts spam, stopping impoliteness, and deals with other assorted admin issues.
⦁ Is an admin for the Ynys Fawr mailing list, which includes adding/removing members, and checking the occasional suspect email.
⦁ Sends a monthly report to the seneschal, and a 3-monthly report to the Kingdom Web Minister.
Chronicler’s Duties
⦁ Keeps all the information on the Baronial website and facebook page up to date.
⦁ Posts event announcements and messages from the Baronage and officers to the website
⦁ Sends a monthly report to the seneschal, and a 3-monthly report to the Kingdom Chronicler.
Please send any queries or applications to
Yours in service,
Eawyn Bridie