August Monthly Letter

To the populace of Ynys Fawr, do Anna Felice Tavestoche and Adelindis filia Gotefridi send greetings.

Thank you to all those who braved the winter chill to come to our Baroness’ Challenge Picnic and Tourney at Nutgrove Park. It was a splendid day and many incredible food creations were tasted, and sewing projects worked on, but alas no tournament. So the challenge remains set to the fighters of Ynys Fawr for our next tournament.

Baroness Anna has returned triumphant from her travels to Drachenwald where she witnessed the coronation of Siridean MacLachlan and Jahanara Vivana. The many gifts given to them from our populace were greatly appreciated. But one gift was spoken of most of all. As happened at Rowany Festival, Baroness Anna gave out 4 vials of ice from Ynys Rhew (2 to the Prince and Princess of Insular Draconis and 2 to the newly crowned King and Queen). This was a sign of love between our Kingdoms and a way to prove Lochac’s might in the South by claiming that southern white land of Ynys Rhew as ours and ours alone. King Siridean however took this gift as a personal item and has now claimed Ynys Rhew as rightfully his. Their majesties Lochac were notified of their brother’s treachery and have thus called for any and all from Drachenwald who would challenge Lochac’s claim for the lands of the South to come and war with us for it at Rowany Festival. We await to see the result of this overtly treacherous extension by King Siridean.

Thank you to all those who have recently put their names forward to be new officers. Once the commentary period is completed we would ideally like to have office changeovers done before GSG so as to minimise court at this casual gathering. Please talk to Baroness Anna or Baroness Adelindis along with Lord Declan to help us co-ordinate a time and place that would suit all officers involved.

It has been wonderful seeing so many people help with the new silk banners over the past few weeks (from the young to young at heart). We hope you are all plotting to make personal silk banners soon too. There will be many A&S days and weekends leading up to GSG and November Crown. Please either bring your own project to work on or chip in with the larger projects for the Barony. There may even be a bardic potluck night in September (date tbc) to help round out one of the A&S weekends.

Our hearts have been warmed to see archery taking place again of a Sunday and we have heard rumours that there could be 2 new rapiers fighters authorised soon. We look forward to seeing more bodies on the field in all areas of the combat arts.

The Pear Ridge demos are coming up quickly and we thank those who have already put themselves forward to help. Please contact Baroness Beatrix for more information if you are able to assist in any way. The demos are on August 19th and September 9th. Remember that these are paid demos depending on ticket sales so promoting the demos is strongly encouraged as well.

Baronesses Anna and Adelindis are travelling up to Leathann Tir for the first Sunday of the month meeting in September (3rd Sep) and have room in the car for any others wishing to join them for the trip northward.

In service to the Crown and the people of Ynys Fawr,
Anna Felice Tavestoche and Adelindis filia Gotefridi
Baroness and Baroness of Ynys Fawr