Yuletide Picnic

Yuletide Picnic

The sun shines bright on Yule this year,

For now we see summer’s cheer,

In leafy shade, we gather near,

To celebrate what we hold dear.

With laughter light and sun’s warm glow,

We honour what the seasons show,

For Yule’s bright spirit fills the air,

In summer’s warmth, we find it there

UPDATE (28 November 2024): The event venue has changed and will be an indoor picnic with outdoor activities weather permiting. 

When: Sunday 1st December 2024, Updated Time – 1pm until 4pm

Where: HAMST 320 Main Rd, Glenorchy TAS 7010

Steward: Lady Elspeth

Picnic event with an A&S competition and games.

A&S theme: “Festive”

Games – Kubb, boffer game and a blindfolded navigation game.

What to bring:

Bring a plate of food along to share with an ingredients list to help those with dietary requirements.

Something to sit on, like a camping chair or a picnic rug, and things to eat and drink with, such as a plate and a couple of bowls and eating utensils.

For clothes you need an attempt at attire from before 1600.

We also have clothes that you can borrow on for the day for a few gold coins.

Please Email Lord Frederick to request clothes at goldkeyynysfawr@gmail.com.

  • 1pm – Event opens
  • Court and BYO Food and Drinks for lunch
  • A&S competition
  • Kubb and other games
  • 4pm – Event Ends
Cost (pay online)
  • Adult members – $10
  • Minor members – free
  • Adult non-members – $20
  • Minor non-members – $5
Contact Steward: Elspeth of Ynys Fawr

How to come along

Please send an email to the bookings officer, Milady Sarah: sarahvella81@gmail.com

RSVP by Thursday 28th November 2024

Provide the following for each person attending:
Real name SCA name (if you have one)
SCA membership number (if you have one)
Any food allergies or dietary requirements