New Titles – “Champions of Ynys Fawr”

To the populace of Ynys Fawr, do Anna and Adelindis, Baroness and Baroness of Ynys Fawr, send warm greetings.

As raised during the meeting on Sunday, it is our desire during our tenure to establish the titles of Champions of Ynys Fawr, to reward those who strive for excellence in the disciplines of heavy and rapier combat, archery, and the arts and sciences.

We wish to ask the populace for their thoughts on what qualities these Champions should be selected on, in addition to prowess on the field or in their chosen art, and in what manner the Champions should be chosen.

Our initial feeling is that the process should take place over the course of a year, rather than the Champions being selected solely as the winners of tourneys or competitions on a single day, so that consistency and personal improvement can also be considered; however, we are open to all suggestions. We invite you to share your thoughts and ideas with us. We can be contacted on:

in service to the Crown and the people of Ynys Fawr,
Anna Felice Tavestoche and Adelindis filia Gotefridi
Baroness and Baroness of Ynys Fawr