Fair Winds and Following Seas

Fair Winds & Following Seas

Come sail the icy seas with us
As Their Majesties did entreat
To explore uncharted southern lands
With the mighty Ynys Fawr fleet

Our dragon prow will slice the waves
Strong winds will fill our sail
As southward we proceed
And mark our legendary tale

When: Saturday 9th Sept 2023, From 6pm

Where: HAMST Hall Glenorchy, 322 Main Rd, Glenorchy TAS 7010


Feast in 2 courses– sea themed (gluten free and veg options)


A&S Competition

Relating to the sea

Bardic contributions of a nautical nature are encouraged – a song, a shanty, a story, a poem, a joke (good or bad!) are all welcome.



6pm Venue opens, sign in
6.30pm Opening court
7pm First course
7.30pm A Seafarer’s tale
8.00pm Second course
8.30pm Nauti Bards – Songs and stories
9.30pm Closing Court
10pm Event close (cleaning to follow)



Members (You don’t have to be a member, it is just cheaper if you are)

$20 for Adult members

$10 for Minor members (6-17 years)

$10 Off-board (not eating at feast, not taking leftovers)

Includes an amount required by our insurance. You can avoid this by becoming a member: New Membership Application.

$30 adult non-members ($20+$10 non-member insurance)

$15 minor non-members ($10+$5 non-member insurance))

$20 Off-board (not eating at feast, not taking leftovers)


Booking Details

To come along, please email the Booking Steward, Baroness Drusticc inigena Eddarrnonn at drusticc@gmail.com by no later than Tuesday 5th of Sept 2023

Please provide the following for each person attending:

  • Real name
  • SCA name (if you have one)
  • SCA membership number (if you have one)


Event Steward

Lady Sybil de Speresholt in charge of running the event and coordinating all the volunteers.


Participants are reminded that if they are unwell or showing cold or flu-like symptoms, they must not attend.