
Awards are an important part of the SCA. We are a volunteer organization, and the way we are “paid” is by the positive feeling we get by contributing to the SCA, whether at the local level, in the kitchen, as a kingdom officer, etc. Awards are a public “Thank You” or acknowledgement of accomplishments. (Although they don’t take the place of a personal, individual, word or note – so don’t forget to say “Great Event” to an event steward or send a “Loved your Feast” email to a cook!). Awards are also an encouragement to a person to continue in the same vein or direction. Kingdom and society Awards are given at the pleasure of the Crown of Lochac, and Baronial awards are presented by the Baronage of Ynys Fawr, but the They can’t be everywhere, or see the contributions of every member of the populace. The only way They know if a gentle is worthy is if They receive recommendations for that person, recommendations from people such as you.

Click this link to go to the Baronial Award Recommendation Form.

List Kingdom and Society level awards

List of Baronial awards

Ynys Fawr Roll of Arms

How to recommend someone for an award

Step 1: What award/s does the person have currently?

It’s a good idea to check if they already have the thing you want to recommend them for.

Baronial Level Awards

Ynys Fawr Roll of Arms This is The Baronial Order of Precedence, it lists of everyone that has ever received an award in the Barony (and the shire before 1993) of Ynys Fawr. This lists includes Baronial, Kingdome and Society level awards

Kingdom and Society Level Awards

Canon Lore Is the Kingdom order of precedence, and just lists Kingdom and Society awards

Not found on any list

If they are not on a list, They might be under a different name, or they may new to the SCA then recommending them for an Award of Arms nice one to start with.


Step 2: What award do you want to recommend them for?

Baronial level

List of Baronial awards

Kingdom and Society Level Awards

Lochac Awards Reference Guide This gives you an idea of what awards there are grouped by type of award and ordered by level of distinction. Once you’ve got an idea of the award, check the link below for more info.

List of Every Kingdom  and Society award available in Lochac: This is a list of every award, with links to more information about each one


Step 3: Send in your recommendation

What to put in your recommendation?

The short answer is “As much as you can” When sending your recommendation, include as much information about yourself and the person your are recommending as you can.

Baronial Recommendations go to the B&B of Ynys Fawr

Click this link to go to the Baronial Award Recommendation Form.

If you are not sure what award, just select “other”, provide examples in your reason why sections, that Their Excellencies will know what to do with it.

Kingdom and Society level awards go to the K&Q of Lochac

  1. Look up the person in Cannon Lore here
    • The search box is on the right, under the big crown
    • If you cant find them on the list, then they don’t have any kingdom or society level awards. You can used the general recommendation form here, then skip to step 3
      • Making sure to include the person’s name is especially important here for obvious reasons.
  2. Click the recommendation link at the bottom of their page, that looks like this:
    • “Do you believe Horatio Piddlesworth Wigglebutt III (not actually in the list) is worthy of an award you don’t see listed? Please follow this link to recommend Horatio Piddlesworth Wigglebutt III for an award
  3. Fill out the box with as much detail as possible, especially your details, to make their very busy lives easier.
    • Your details
      • Real Name
      • SCA Name
      • Your Email address
      • SCA Group you are in
    • Their details
      • Real Name
      • SCA Name
      • SCA Group they are in
      • What award you are recommending them for, if you are not sure of the level, then just mention the field of excellence, eg; For service, Arts & Sciences, Skill at arms.
      • Why you are recommending them. You can be vague and broad eg; mention that they are very helpful, or you can list all the times you’ve seen them helping to clean up the hall until the hall is clean and the hall is locked up. More details are better as they help the B&B or K&Q decide if this time is right to award the person
  4. Press Send